Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to Write a Tutoring Job Description Resume

How to Write a Tutoring Job Description ResumeBefore you compose your own resume for the tutoring job description, be certain that you have considered all the information about that particular training facility. That is, you need to know whether the tutoring services provided are related to music, computer science, art or any other line of study.In addition, you should do certain background research in these fields before you are ready to create a resume that will be effective when you are presented with the need for such a document. For example, if you want to get a teaching certificate in music, you should know that you need to take more than just general music lessons and enroll in music school.The requirements for this kind of job include an extensive knowledge of music and the ability to complete specific assignments or studies that are directly related to it. As far as computer programming is concerned, you may be required to complete specific courses and programs in computer s cience. The same goes for art training.Keep in mind that an important thing to remember when creating a resume for this kind of job is that the prospective employer is looking for more than just a person who has finished a program and is now looking for work. He or she will want to know whether you can perform the tasks that the job entails. For example, you might be required to work directly with students who are below or in-between grade levels.Specific issues that may be involved in such a situation include providing homework help, homework evaluations, written reports or any other type of assistance. However, before you start working on a resume that shows the accomplishments you have had in your current job, you need to be certain that the information you provide is accurate. This is because your resume is going to be used by the hiring officer when he or she makes a decision about whether or not to hire you.If you are an actual tutor who already has experience working with you nger students, you will find that it can be helpful to create a resume that lists your specific experiences and the types of lessons you will be able to give to younger students. As an example, you might offer to help younger students take dance lessons, or start reading aloud to them, or tutoring them on reading early works such as Shakespeare. Be sure to specify the information that you can provide for each job that you offer.Many of the jobs that are available require a list of specific tasks that you will be responsible for doing. In addition, you might be required to spend some time, either in a classroom or with a student who is already on his or her own, to help them understand what is expected of them. To be successful in this type of job, you will need to be familiar with how to effectively communicate with students and the right kind of behavior expectations that are acceptable in school.It is important to remember that for each of the specific jobs listed in the tutoring job description, you should be sure that you have a lot of experience in that field, as well as the types of lessons that you can teach. Then, you will be better prepared to provide information that is accurate, professional and up-to-date.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2016

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2016 Merry Christmas, tutors, students, parents, and friends of TutorZ! Its been a great year! Thank you so much for being a part of our team, for all your support and love throughout 2015! We hope you will stay with us for a long time ?? We  hope Santa will give the perfect gifts  to each of you. Something youve always wanted,  something for which you have secretly craved. May all your  wishes for 2016 come true! If we can help you to reach your education goals, come back in 2016 to get more tutoring help at TutorZ. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from!

American Academy Casablanca (Morocco)

American Academy Casablanca (Morocco) American Academy Casablanca (Morocco) With a current enrollment of 615 students (from nursery - grade 12) and a teaching faculty comprised of 60 teachers and full-time assistants, American Academy Casablanca is proud of the cultural diversity they have been able to establish over the last decade. Over 30 different nationalities are represented between their student and teaching community. AAC aims to be the leading American international school in Morocco. By providing a balanced, social, physical and academic curriculum in an atmosphere of mutual respect, dignity and trust, AAC prepares students for the academic challenges of university and to be competitive in the 21st-century global market. The AAC campus is located on the outskirts of Casablanca, in the suburb of Ville Verte (Green Town). The Casa Green Town campus was completed in the fall of 2015 and operates on over 4 hectares of land, featuring a 16,000 SM facility with 71 classrooms and laboratories arranged in elementary school and secondary school clusters, plus a library, auditorium, cafeteria, and gymnasium. Additional school facilities include a swimming pool, soccer and softball fields, basketball and tennis courts, two elementary playgrounds, fitness center, an elementary gym/multipurpose room, and a fully-covered gymnasium. AAC is fully accredited by AdvancEd and is authorized by the Moroccan Ministry of Education.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Penn State College of Earth and Mineral SciencesPenn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is a premier institution dedicated to providing education and programs for aspiring minds. Every year, students from across the world to study at the college to earn a degree in the natural sciences.The school is located in the city of State College, Pennsylvania, but it offers courses that are offered all over the country. The Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences offers bachelor's degree and associate degree programs. With all of these programs, students can pursue their careers in a variety of fields.One of the common areas of study is geology, which deals with the formation of rocks and soil. Students who have a keen interest in this field can pursue careers in mining, drilling, and construction.Geology is one of the popular courses that can be taken at the college. Other areas of study include earth science, meteorology, environmental sciences, and oceanography.Earth scien ces is another option. Students can take up courses in meteorology, geology, earth sciences, and earth and atmosphere. If there is a particular area of study that interests you, the college is happy to offer assistance and guidance.Tutoring Resources for Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences - Students can use tutoring resources to find tutors who specialize in each of the subjects. The university will help students find tutors within their community, to save time and effort.Another resource is the online Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences program guide. It is a guide that contain information about the school, student to student transfers, graduate programs, grants, internships, and other valuable information.

Chemistry Colloid - Do You Know What This Is?

Chemistry Colloid - Do You Know What This Is?Chemistry colloid is a method of combining chemicals to produce more of the said compound. They are often used in the making of paints, medicines, explosives, explosives agents, fertilizers, cosmetics, and many other products. This is a very versatile substance and can be used for a variety of applications. There are two types of chemistry colloids, liquids and gels.A colloid is a colloidal mass, which in its most basic form consists of some kind of solid, liquid, or gelled substance with some kinds of matter suspended in it. These can range from solids to liquids to gels. In chemical and engineering terms, a colloid is a solid, liquid, or gelled compound. Colloids can be used as either additives or inorganic compounds. Chemists combine their different colloids into bulk substances for use in medicines, pesticides, explosives, explosives agents, fertilizers, and various other applications.A colloid is a colloidal mass, which in its most ba sic form consists of some kind of solid, liquid, or gelled substance with some kinds of matter suspended in it. These can range from solids to liquids to gels. In chemical and engineering terms, a colloid is a solid, liquid, or gelled compound. Colloids can be used as either additives or inorganic compounds.A colloid is a colloidal mass, which in its most basic form consists of some kind of solid, liquid, or gelled substance with some kinds of matter suspended in it. These can range from solids to liquids to gels. In chemical and engineering terms, a colloid is a solid, liquid, or gelled compound. Colloids can be used as either additives or inorganic compounds. Chemists combine their different colloids into bulk substances for use in medicines, pesticides, explosives, explosives agents, fertilizers, and various other applications.A colloid is a colloidal mass, which in its most basic form consists of some kind of solid, liquid, or gelled substance with some kinds of matter suspended in it. These can range from solids to liquids to gels. In chemical and engineering terms, a colloid is a solid, liquid, or gelled compound. Colloids can be used as either additives or inorganic compounds. Chemists combine their different colloids into bulk substances for use in medicines, pesticides, explosives, explosives agents, fertilizers, and various other applications.A colloid is a colloidal mass, which in its most basic form consists of some kind of solid, liquid, or gelled substance with some kinds of matter suspended in it. These can range from solids to liquids to gels. In chemical and engineering terms, a colloid is a solid, liquid, or gelled compound.A colloid is a colloidal mass, which in its most basic form consists of some kind of solid, liquid, or gelled substance with some kinds of matter suspended in it. These can range from solids to liquids to gels. In chemical and engineering terms, a colloid is a solid, liquid, or gelled compound. Colloids can be used as eith er additives or inorganic compounds.

The Growth Mindset vs the Fixed Mindset.

The Growth Mindset vs the Fixed Mindset. What are the Growth Mindset and the Fixed Mindset? ChaptersDefining Growth and Fixed Mindsets.Some Examples of Fixed and Growth Mindsets.The role of mind set in your ability to achieve success is an idea that has become hugely popular of late due to the work of the Stanford University psychologist and professor, Carol Dweck. Her two books, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success and Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential, have both become bibles for many educators, entrepreneurs, writers, and politicians.Both books outline the theory that has made Dweck famous: there is a continuum of ‘mindsets’ that stretches from the ‘fixed mindset’ on one end to the ‘growth mindset’ on the other. Where you sit on this continuum has huge impact on your chances for success, your ability to receive praise and criticism, and your ability to face failure and take risks.It has been a hugely inspiring idea, not least because it takes an ancient idea â€" essentially the difference between nature and nurture â€" and repackages it as a scient ific theory and practice that places success as its goal.Read our introduction to growth mindset!The Value of Dweck’s Work.Yet, there is huge value in Dweck’s work. Defining mindset as a process of self-conception and self-regulation that we all have â€" and that people use to ‘structure the self and guide their behaviour’, her work gives the tools to analyse and evaluate the attitudes and ideas that define the way we think about ourselves and the things we do.In this respect, her work has given people a much greater new understanding of themselves â€" and a new attitude that has inspired them to think differently about their talents and abilities, the possibility of learning and growth, and the ways that they can achieve their goals.Here, we’re going to share Dweck’s two central concepts â€" a growth mindset and a fixed mindset â€" and show you the differences. If you want to know a bit more about the background to Dweck’s work, check out our article, What is Growth M indset Theory?Let’s get started! Teach your child a growth mindset from an early age.. This is why we referred to these theories as something like nature and nurture above.You can probably reach the conclusions yourself as to what these two differing mindsets might mean for everyday situations such as accepting criticism, encountering setbacks, and learning new things.People with a fixed mindset are thought, in their reliance on habits of mind that tell them that ability is unchangeable and set in stone, to be much less able to learn and grow and to relish that process of learning and personal growth. Meanwhile, the growth mindset sees others persevere at every setback, as they have a mental attitude which continually strives to learn new things.We’ll be exploring some of the other differences between growth and fixed mindsets below.Encountering Growth Mindsets in the Education System.But first, it is worth paying attention to the ways in which Dweck reached the conclusions of this most compelling of the theories of intelligence out there at the moment. Whilst her ideas have become rather in vogue right now, the initial studies she undertook to elaborate her theories came from a number of studies with kids about twenty years ago.In these studies, groups of children were given a test. Once they completed the test, they were all told that they had done brilliantly.However, when returning the test scores, the researchers told different groups of the children different things: some were praised for their intelligence and others were praised for their effort.After the study, the kids were monitored for their general attitude and their academic achievement. Those who the researchers had been praising for their effort were much more likely to go on and do much better than those whose intelligence had been praised. Those whose intelligence had been praised â€" their innate ability, rather than their practical effort â€" were more likely to demonstrate a fear of failure later on too.All this was take n as evidence that a growth mindset â€" a mindset that valued effort over innate ability â€" was the key to success.Find out how to develop your growth mindset!Education and the Growth Mindset Today.Nowadays, these studies have taken the education system by storm â€" at least in England. In this country, the imperative to praise effort rather than a simple ‘amount of intelligence’ in school kids has long been influential, encouraging them to persevere, to try harder, and to believe that success comes with work rather than the luck of biology.The idea that praise can be enough to instigate a change of mindset is one that has drawn criticism. However, elsewhere in the world, the difference between innate ability and developable intelligence is one that has gained a huge amount of traction.Some Examples of Fixed and Growth Mindsets.So now, let’s take some examples of the ways in which the two different mindsets â€" fixed vs growth â€" differ in everyday life.We know that both are born of the difference in the conception of the origin of intelligence, yet what affect does this have? For it to be called a ‘mindset’ at all, all of this has to be a bit more significant than a mere belief in innate ability.And that’s precisely the thing: this belief infuses all other aspects of our lives, attitudes, and ways in which the brain works.Let’s take some concrete examples of how these mindsets differ.Learning New Things.One of the main aspects of the fixed mindset is that when it comes to learning new things, people don’t necessarily have the will, the motivation, or the self-determination to do it. If the fixed mindset suggests that intelligence is innate, the motivation to learn is not there: no further education feels worthwhile or even possible.Rather than learning new things, people with a fixed mindset rather want to show themselves and others that they are intelligent â€" for reasons of confidence.Meanwhile, those of a growth mindset relish the opport unity to continually learn, as they recognise that that is the way that intelligence works.Encountering Challenges.Another aspect of the fixed mindset is its aversion to challenge. In the course of learning, any challenge or obstacle will throw them off course â€" and they are much more likely to give up than those with a growth mindset.The latter here see challenge as an opportunity for future growth â€" a means by which to learn new skills. Perseverance is one of their greatest qualities. You'll never learn an instrument if you don't believe that you can.Accepting Criticism and Advice.People with a fixed mindset are also not considered to be particularly good at accepting criticism and advice. They see it as a personal attack, a wound to their pride, their ability, and their very being.On the other hand, those who have a growth mindset are able to see the value in every criticism, in every piece of advice. If fixed mindsets want the world to know that they are clever, growth mindsets want to pursue intelligence continually. Every advice or piece of constructive criticism keeps pushing them forward.Accepting the Success of Others.Sometimes we feel jealous and resentful â€" or even threatened and intimidated â€" by other people’s achievement and success.For people with a fixed mindset, this is due to the fact that they too want to be recognised as clever â€" or that they will never achieve, with the lot that they have been given â€" the success that they see in others .People with a growth mindset meanwhile find inspiration in the success of others. They see it as something that, with enough effort, they too can achieve. Develop your growth mindset with us.Changing the World.All of this boils down to a fundamental difference in outlook on the nature of the world. And this is where the difference between the growth and the fixed mindsets takes on larger proportions.Because a fixed mindset demonstrates a fundamentally deterministic vision of the world, in which the traits with which you are born cannot change â€" and nor can anything else.Meanwhile, growth mindsets thrive in the knowledge that everything can change and develop â€" and that it should.Check out more growth mindset resources!

What is it Like to Attend The College at Brockport, State University of New York

What is it Like to Attend The College at Brockport, State University of New York Serafina earned her bachelors degree in education from The College at Brockport, State University of New York. She specializes in English tutoring, ISEE tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at SUNY Brockport: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Serafina: Brockport is the perfect size town. The campus is fairly rural, but the main street is within walking distance and offers plenty of restaurants. There is also a bowling alley in town and an active night life. There is a bus to Rochester, and a campus bus that makes trips to local grocery stores. If you want an off-campus job, you may need a car, or at the very least a bike, but there are plenty of on-campus opportunities as well. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Serafina: In my experience, the faculty are very available. Some faculty do not hold regular office hours, but offer to schedule a meeting whenever you would like. You do need to seek out help if you need it. If you make the effort to meet with professors, they are very accommodating and helpful. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Serafina: Dorm life is typical. There is a strong no-alcohol policy that is strictly enforced. There are plenty of clubs, and you can even make your own club if what you are looking for isnt currently available. The food is generally greasy, but there are healthy options as well. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Serafina: In my experience, Brockports teaching program is a good program that prepares you well for the field. I went into teaching because it was my biggest passion. In addition, the business program is world-renown and probably the best program Brockport offers. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Serafina: I was a transfer student, and making friends was easy. There are many clubs and the people in the dorms are very friendly. There arent many strong Greek life opportunities on campus. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Serafina: The career center is great. Companies recruit on campus and there are career fair events in which many employers come to campus at once to speak to students. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Serafina: The library is quiet and was recently redone. The workout facilities are amazing and also have been recently remodeled. The student union is spacious, and I have never experienced overcrowding on campus. Describe the surrounding town. Serafina: Brockport is a small town, so if you want access to a city, you have to go to Rochester. However, if you like small-town environments, Brockport has everything you need. There are places to shop, dine, and beautiful places to walk. My favorite walks are the canal and North Hampton park. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Serafina: Brockport is a medium sized school. General education classes can be big, sometimes 300-400 students. But once you get into your major, class sizes drop way down to 10-40 students. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Serafina: I remember being shy in my first arts for children creative drama class. We did a lot of improvising, and at first I hated it. But by the end of the class, I was friends with everyone and had so much fun every class period. Check out Serafinas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

How to Analyze Practice Test Results

How to Analyze Practice Test Results For many students, a crucial component of studying for a rigorous exam is taking practice tests. Practice tests are important because they allow a student to gauge his or her learning and study skills. However, many students make the mistake of worrying excessively about the outcome of the practice test. This can be detrimental to the review process. If you are preparing for an exam and struggling to analyze your practice test results, read on! You may also want to review these tips on how to identify your study style. Recognizing what is most important When studying for exams and taking practice tests, it can be tempting to think that the mere act of sitting down and completing the practice test will benefit you. This is only one step. Adjust your mindset so that you recognize that the sheer action of sitting down and completing the test is not what makes a difference; it is what you do after that countswhether you work independently or with a tutor. Extracting data To properly evaluate the results of your practice test, you need to extract data from it. Analyze your answers to acquire information, and then transform this information into awareness so that you can focus on troublesome areas in the future. Timing One of the primary areas to consider when you analyze practice test results is timing. Is there a particular section of the test where you were able to provide more accurate answers more quickly? Look for patterns that might yield clues about how you learn. Perhaps you focus more during the beginning of the test or after taking brief breaks. Maybe you remain more focused toward the end because you are less concerned about time limits. Find out what your tendencies are and make appropriate adjustments based on your results. Types of questions Now, examine the types of questions that cause you problems. If the practice test only encompasses one subject area, look at your results on essay questions, the multiple choice section, the fill-in-the-blank section, etc. There are a variety of strategies applicable to each type of question, so spend some time researching effective strategies for the areas in which you are struggling. For tests that cover a range of subjects, investigate the subjects that require more study time, and then concentrate your efforts on those areas. Level of difficulty Upon reviewing your incorrect answers, it might surprise you to discover their level of difficulty. Sometimes the questions we answer incorrectly are not necessarily complex. Evaluate the difficulty level of the questions on which you tend to err. This will help you identify where you experience the most issues. Reviewing the questions It is not always sufficient to review the number of wrong answers aloneyou are going to need to explore a little further to find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. By thoroughly analyzing your results, you are likely to find a study plan that works well for you. Find out why you are right Even if you chose the correct answer, it is helpful to assess the topic at hand. Are you able to thoroughly explain your answer? Know why you selected that answer, and try to remember that information. Find out why you are wrong It is normal to want to know why some of your answers are incorrect. When you review the questions and your answers, look at all of the incorrect choices and determine why each of them is not suitable. Some reasons may be obvious, but others may be a bit more complex. One answer may be inadequate because of a minute detail. Remember that you are looking for the best answers When reviewing incorrect answers, you will probably discover that some answers are not entirely wrong in every sense; perhaps they are simply not the best of the choices. As you take a test and browse your results, keep this fact in mindtest-makers often try to trick students by providing several seemingly correct answers. Learn to identify the most appropriate answer among a group of several appealing ones. Here are some tips on how to best study for a test. Take away what you can from practice tests, and ensure you equally balance practice tests with studying. Think of a practice test as a tool, and use it to your advantagein other words, always analyze practice test results!

How to Start your German Tutoring Jobs

How to Start your German Tutoring Jobs How to Become a Tutor for German? ChaptersQualifications Needed to Teach Foreign LanguagesDecide On Your Private German Tutorial RatesFinding Students when You Become a German TutorPrepare your German Tutor JobsSo you speak English and you've decided you want to teach private German tutorials to English speaking students. You’ve mastered your second language or you're a native speaker and a teacher with a passion for passing on knowledge.  The choice to teach private tutorials was an obvious one.Make sure you make your advert for German tutorials as attractive as possible. (Source: Anita Peeples)Becoming a German tutor and earning some extra money while teaching others what you know is a great idea. However, how do you work out your rates?How do you get the word out to every potential learner? How do you find customers interested in language learning?It’s normal in the beginning to feel this is really complicated. However, if you go step by step, you’ll quickly become the most in-demand German tutor in town! Ca lumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhy sics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsQualifications Needed to Teach Foreign LanguagesBefore you even work out your rates for online tutoring jobs, you’ll need know what qualifications you’ll need.Firstly, there aren’t any specific qualifications that you need to be a private tutor.  However, you should be able to justify your language skills (German phrases, vocabulary, verbs, education, language stays, teaching skills, German pronunciation, etc.) otherwise you’ll find it very difficult to find students.German tutorials: German skillsWhen you create your first advert, you’ll need to specify your level in German. Are you fluent, bilingual, advanced, or conversational?If you only did German for a year in secondary school and then dropped it, you’re going to struggle to find students.While there are no hard and fast rules for what level you should have, a German  degree’s usually a good benchmark.Make sure you do your research before your tutorials. (Source: Karol Dach)Maybe you have the level but not the degree. What should you do?You need to ask yourself these questions before you make your first advert.How many years have you studied German?Did you study German language courses at university or a language school?Is it your native language?Have you lived in Germany, Switzerland, or another German speaking country?Is German your mother tongue? Are you close to proficiency or fluency?Teach German for SchoolIf you can prove you know how to speak German, you can provide German academic support for school students without qualifications or being a teacher. Nevertheless, you have to prove to your students you r experience with German isn’t less than theirs.If you’re studying German A Level, your level will be good enough to teach German for beginners and primary school children but you’ll probably struggle to teach older students a new language or even new German vocabulary.To give your tutorials more value, why not take a level test?The TestDaf, for example, is a recognised language exam. You can test your comprehension (listening and reading) as well as production (speaking and writing). This is a well-rounded exam that can evaluate your general level in German.You can also find out more about the Goethe Institut and the qualifications they offer including the    Goethe-Zertifikat  which is also widely recognised.Provide Professional German TutorialsThere are plenty of tutors offering professional German private tutorials.  These are often aimed at adults wanting to improve their international career prospects.  They just need your help since  speaking the language of one of Eur ope’s most powerful countries is hugely beneficial when it comes to business.Prove your professional German abilities and make yourself stand out. To do so, you can take level tests that are more specialised than the ones we mentioned previously.How can you pass a level test for business German? (Source: Michal Kulesza)The PWD (from the Goethe Institut) is also recognised by businesses and the GDS (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom) is the most advanced professional German qualification. In fact, the GDS allows you to teach German classes in Germany!State TeachersThere are plenty of school teachers who also provide private tutorials in order to earn some extra money. If this applies to you, don’t forget to mention how many years of experience you have!Decide On Your Private German Tutorial RatesWorking out a fair rate isn’t the easiest thing in the world. There are several factors you need to consider for your German tutorial prices.Understand the Academic Support MarketDon’t h esitate to check out the competition and find out how much other German tutors are charging. Decide where to position yourself.Check out dedicated academic support forums and classifieds sites and find out the going rate for German courses. Have a look at foreign language schools and see what they’re charging for their German language course, too. This will put you in a good position to work out what a fair rate would be.Set Your Rates Based on Your Level of GermanBy looking at other tutors’ rates, you’ll see what the going rates are by level in German.For example, in London, native speakers tend to charge upwards of £30.  Student tutors tend to charge less than that.You also need to take your students’ levels into account and how good they are at speaking German.  If you’re teaching primary school children, you can’t charge as much as you would for sixth formers.Work Out Running CostsIt’d be silly not to consider your running costs when providing private German tutor ials.First of all, work out how much it costs you to get to your tutorials since private tutorials normally take place at the student’s home.You'll need to work out your transport costs for each German tutorial. (Source: Matthew Henry)You’ll therefore need to define an area that you’ll be willing to travel to and also work out your travel costs.The cost of school supplies (pens, printing, etc) should all be taken into account.Given that you also need to declare your earnings, you also need to take tax into account.Once you've considered all of these factors, you'll be closer to deciding upon your hourly rate.Choose the right organisationFinally, the organisation you choose to work with will affect the price of your private tutorials.You can become a private German tutor just by heading to a classifieds site.Certain sites require a certain number of years of experience.  Some require a cut of the amount for every hour taught.There are organisations that don’t charge any fees to aspiring private tutors.  Superprof, for example, doesn’t charge any commission on tutorials.Finding Students when You Become a German TutorNow that you’re ready to put together an advert, it’s time to start making yourself known as a private German tutor.Students wanting to learn German usually search things like “free German lessons”, “intensive German classes”, “learning German for free”, and “learning German on-line”! Even if you don’t teach on-line or for free, you can still find students!Using the InternetThe Internet hasn’t stopped growing and you now need to be on it if you want to find students who want to learn German.You can sign up for tutoring jobs London and websites or even on classifieds sites. You can even create your own website advertising your German tutorials.Social networks can be used to help spread the news, too.Network in your TownLook for German cultural centres or institutes and get to know the people there. This will help you create a German network and find more students.Why not get in touch with the German teachers in your town?  They can send struggling students your way and it’ll help them keep their pass rates up.Word of MouthWord of mouth is one of the oldest forms of advertising and it still works!  Make sure everyone knows you’re a private German tutor.Your friends and family will be your best promoters! You can bring it up  it at a family meal or on a night out with friends.  If they hear about someone looking for German tuition, they’ll be sure to mention you!Prepare your German Tutor JobsOnce you’ve decided upon your rates and found some students, it’s time to prepare your tutorials!Establish a list of goals for each studentEach student has different needs. You have to tailor your tutorials to them.Decide together on which skills they’d like to improve.Do they need to work on their speaking? Do they need to master German grammar?Make sure your student is involved in their tutorials . (Source: Matthew Henry)It takes time to learn a foreign language and it’s your job to make them want to put in the effort to learn by giving them clear and defined objectives.This will help you to prepare German exercises specifically for them.Explain each tutorial’s objectivesBefore each tutorial, clearly outline the lesson plan and its objectives by spending the first 5 minutes of the class explaining which skills you’re going to work on and the rules they’re going to learn.Prepare your tutorials in advance and make sure you’re organised.Distance Yourself from SchoolTutorials shouldn’t be like classes in school. You need to distance yourself from learning at school by making your tutorials animated and fun and keep your students interested.Everyone works better when they have fun. Make your lessons fun by using a variety of resources like German films, music, and YouTube videos to get them interested in German.Provide a Summary After Each SessionMany tutors provide a summary after each session. This is a great way to get the student involved in their own German learning and keep them aware of their progress.Don’t hesitate to recommend extra activities, films to watch, and goals to work on before the next session.A motivated student will want to learn even more!